
Flight of Honor

Triangle Flight of Honor is such an amazing event that I never would have known if it wasn't for Wes and his family! His Great Granddad is a WWII veteran and this organization flies the triangle's senior veterans up to Washington D.C. to see the WWII memorial and a bunch of other things! It was so cool experiencing the welcoming home of all these amazing men and women! I just loved seeing their faces of happiness and thankfulness when they were walking through the airport!

My handsome daddy waiting for it to begin! :)

 Right now...he is not a happy camper:

Getting excited!!

They had all the veterans walk through the center and the next three pictures are the best of the whole night! The third one is when Wes' Great Granddad realizes where we are all standing! He's so happy!

 Look at that beautiful smile! 

Ready for some cookout??

 ...it was such a fun night to experience!

1 comment:

  1. I love them! You are doing great work and I hope you keep it up! The photos will only get better as your "photographers eye" gets better. Hugs to you and everyone there!
