

So, I decided to do a blog about what I'm liking and disliking right now. Today has been a hard day for school work. I was working from 11:30 to 4:30 on a speech, that isn't actually due until the 11th of April. I'm feeling productive! I've been in such the blogging mood, and so I worked really hard to get all my school work done so that I could BLOG! Now is my time! yay! Also, I have been feeling very opinionated lately and I felt it was about time to do this kind of blog post! 

Currently Liking:
Home Cooked Meals & Cupcakes (mmm...)
Mumford & Sons and Justin Vernon songs
Sunshine on my face!
Bright Red Tulips blooming in my front yard(grown by my Papa which are beautiful)
Dogwood Trees
The Biggest Loser (I would pick Jilian without hesitation)
White-wash jeans & light blue perfume
Unexpected visits from grandparents
The new Lilly pattern (First Impression...which inspired my like/dislike design)

Currently Disliking:
Public Speaking classes
Basketball games (It's called March Madness for a reason)
Failed attempts at curling my hair
Cold hands...why is it so cold?
Running out of cupcakes. Sad day
School work
& Doggy Doors

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